
The Department of Psychiatry is home to internationally recognized leaders in the field of psychiatric research and an outstanding pool of thoughtful mentors representing a wide array of scientific and clinical interests.

We attempt to match interns with faculty mentors who best suit their training needs; we also encourage interns to develop a team of mentors to enhance career development. 

Any Department of Psychiatry faculty members are potentially eligible to serve as primary research mentors for interns. The following list represents only a sample of recent/ active faculty mentors, so we encourage you to visit the people page of our website to view a full list of our faculty and to search for potential mentoring fits based on academic and clinical interests:

Faculty *Area of Expertise
David A. Brent, MDChildhood Depression, Suicide
Meryl Butters, PhDLate-life Depression, Mild Cognitive Impairment, Dementia
Daniel J. Buysse, MDMultidimensional Sleep Health in Relation to Physical and Mental Disorders, Behavioral Sleep and Circadian Interventions, Insomnia
Lauren M. Bylsma, PhDDepression, Emotion Reactivity and Regulation, Developmental Risk Factors, Affective Neuroscience, Psychophysiology, Ambulatory Assessment
Amy Byrd, PhDBiopsychosocial Mechanisms of Aggression, Emotion and Behavior Dysregulation, Emotion Socialization, Parent-Child Interactions
Alexandre Y. Dombrovski, MDDecision Neuroscience, Reinforcement Learning, Suicide, Dimensions of Psychopathology, fMRI, EEG, and EMA

Erika E. Forbes, PhD

Affective Disorders in Adolescents and Young Adults, Clinical Developmental Neuroscience
Peter Franzen, PhDSleep and Sleep Disorders, Affective Neuroscience, Adolescent Development
Andrea Goldschmidt, PhDOnset/Maintenance of Loss of Control Eating, Treatment of Eating Disorders

Tina R. Goldstein, PhD

Early-Onset Mood Disorders and Suicidality
Swathi Gujral, PhDGeriatric Neuropsychology, Behavioral Medicine, Cognitive Dysfunction and Depression in Older Adults; Lifestyle Interventions

Gretchen L. Haas, PhD

Psychotic Disorders, Suicidal Behavior
Benjamin L. Handen, PhDAutism, Psychopharmacology, Alzheimer’s Disease in Down Syndrome

Brant Hasler, PhD

Sleep/Circadian Rhythms, Affective Neuroscience, Mood and Substance Use Disorders

Alison Hipwell, PhD, ClinPsyD

Developmental Risk Factors, Developmental Psychopathology
Leslie E. Horton, PhDPsychosis Risk; Threat Dysregulation, Social Functioning, Ambulatory Assessment 
Karen P. Jakubowski, PhDTrauma, Cardiovascular Disease Risk, Behavioral Sleep Medicine
Neil P. Jones, PhDNeuroscience of Threat, Executive Function, and Motivation Underlying Psychopathological Disorders
Heather M. Joseph, DOAttention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Infancy and Early Childhood Risk Factors, and Parenting Behaviors and Interventions
David J. Kolko, PhDTreatment Effectiveness, Child Psychopathology, Behavior and Trauma
Cecile D. Ladouceur, PhDDevelopmental Affective Neuroscience, Puberty, Child and Adolescent Anxiety and Depression

Michele D. Levine, PhD

Maternal Health, Health Behavior Change Interventions, Eating Disorders and Obesity

Oliver Lindhiem, PhD

Disruptive Behavior Disorders; Parenting, mHealth, Evidence-Based Assessment, Research Methodology

Carla Mazefsky, PhDAutism, Emotion Regulation, Psychiatric Inpatients, Clinical Trials, Measure Development

Brooke S. G. Molina, PhD

Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder, Substance Use and Disorders, Developmental Risk Factors, Interventions
Judith K. Morgan, PhDChildren at Familial Risk for Depression, Behavior Inhibition
Sarah Pedersen, PhD

Health Disparities in Alcohol and Substance Use Problems, Alcohol Response, Impulsivity, Substance Use Cognitions, Ambulatory Assessment

Paul A. Pilkonis, PhD

Personality Disorders, Treatment Research

Rebecca Price, PhDNeurocognitive Factors and Brain-based Interventions in Anxiety and Depression
Lori N. Scott, PhDProximal Risk for Suicide and Self-injury, Interpersonal and Emotion Regulatory Processes, Intensive Longitudinal Methods, and Ambulatory Assessment
Jennifer Silk, PhDAnxiety and Depression in Youth, Emotional Reactivity and Regulation, Ecological Momentary Assessment
Stephanie Stepp, PhDBorderline Personality Disorder, Adolescent Development
Holly Swartz, MDBipolar Disorder, Maternal Depression, Interpersonal Psychotherapy
Brian C. Thoma, PhDLGBT Health, Suicidal Behavior
Rebecca Thurston, PhDBehavioral Medicine, Cardiovascular Disease, Menopause, Women's Health, Integrated Care Models
Rachel A. Vaughn-Coaxum, PhDDevelopment and Treatment of Youth Depression, Childhood Adversity and Youth Psychopathology
Andrea Weinstein, PhDMobile Cognitive Assessment, Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia, Psychosocial Influences on Cognition
Mary L. Woody, PhDMechanisms of Depression, Anxiety & Stress; Neurocognitive Interventions; Health Equity

* These faculty represent a sample of potential  faculty mentors; see faculty webpage here for full list