David J Kolko, PhD
Professor of Psychiatry, Clinical and Translational Science, Pediatrics, and Psychology
Contact Details
3811 O'Hara St.
Education & Training
Clinical Psychology, Georgia State University
Behavioral Pediatrics, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Specialty Certifications
Board Certification
American Board of Professional Psychology (Child and Adolescent Psychology)
Current Appointments
Director, Special Services Unit
Professional Affiliations
Fellow, American Psychological Association
Member, American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children
Member, Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers
Selected Honors & Awards
Dorothy M. Bernstein Visiting Professorship and Lecture in Child Psychiatry, Children's Hospital Colorado, Aurora
Fellow, American Psychological Association, Divisions 37 (Child and Family Policy and Practice, 53 (Child and Adolescent Psychology) and 56 (Trauma Psychology)
William Friedrich Memorial Award, American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children
Research Interests
Dissemination and implementation science; Collaborative pediatric health care
Selected Research Publications & Products- Kolko, D. J., Campo, J. V., Kilbourne, A., Hart, J., Sakolsky, D., & Wisniewski, S. (2014). Collaborative Care Outcomes for Pediatric Behavioral Health Problems: A Cluster Randomized Trial. Pediatrics, 133(4), April, e981-992.
- Kolko, D. J., Lindhiem, O., Hat, J., & Bukstein, O.G. (2014). Evaluation of a Booster Intervention Three Years after Acute Treatment for Early-Onset Disruptive Behavior Disorders. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 42 (3), 383-398
- Kolko, D. J., Baumann, B. L.., Herschell, A. D., Hart, J., Holden, E. & Wisniewski, S. (2012). Implementation of AF-CBT by Community Practitioners Serving Child Welfare and Mental Health: A Randomized Trial. Child Maltreatment, 17 (1), 30-44. DOI 10.1177/1077559511427346
- Kolko, D. J., Campo, J. V., Kilbourne, A. & Kelleher, K. (2012). Doctor-Office Collaborative Care for Pediatric Behavior Problems: A Preliminary Clinical Trial. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, 166 (3), 224-231.
- Kolko, D. J., Dorn, L. D., Bukstein, O. G., Pardini, D., Holden, E. A.., & Hart, J. D. (2009). Community vs. clinic-based modular treatment of children with early-onset ODD or CD: A clinical trial with three-year follow-up. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 37, 591-609.
Clinical Interests
Behavioral dysfunction/antisocial behavior; Child abuse; trauma; Integrated collaborative care interventions
Selected Clinical Publications & Products- Asarnow, J., Kolko, D. J., Miranda, J., & Kazak, A. (2017). The Pediatric Patient Centered Medical Home: Innovative Models for Improving Behavioral Health. American Psychologist,72 (1), 13-27.
- Kolko, D. J., & Vernberg, E. M. (2017). Assessment and intervention with children who misuse fire: Practitioner guide. In D. Barlow (Ed.), Treatments That Work series. New York, N.Y.: Oxford University Press.
- Kolko, D. J. (Ed.) (2002). Handbook on firesetting in children and youth. New York: Kluwer/Academic Press.
- Kolko, D. J., Brown, E. J., Shaver, M.E., Baumann, B. L., and Herschell, A. D. (2011). Alternatives for Families: A Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy: Session Guide. Third Edition (11-1-2011). Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine.
- Kolko, D. J., & Swenson, C. C. (2002). Assessing and treating physically abused children and their families: A cognitive-behavioral approach. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Education Interests
Training in evidence-based treatment; Practitioner training & supervision; Dissemination and implementation
Selected Education Publications & Products- Kolko, D. J., & Foster, J. (in press). Firesetting in children and youth. In Vincent B. Van Hasselt & Michael L. Bourke (Eds.). Handbook of Behavioral Criminology: Contemporary Strategies and Issues. Springer Publishing: New York, NY
- Kolko, D. J., & Berkout, O. (2017). Child physical abuse. In S. Gold, J. Cook, & C. Dalenberg (Eds.), Handbook of Trauma Psychology (pp. 99-116), American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.
- Berliner, L., & Kolko, D. J. (2016). Trauma Informed Care: A commentary and critique. Child Maltreatment, 21(2), 168-172.
- Kolko, D. J., Fitzgerald, M. & Laubach, J. (2014). Evidence-Based Practices for Working with Physically Abusive Families: Alternatives for Families: A Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (pp. 59-66). In R. M. Reece, R. F. Hanson, & J. Sargent (Eds). Treatment of Child Abuset: Common Ground for Mental Health, Medical and Legal Practitioners (2nd ed.). Johns Hopkins University Press: Baltimore, MD.
- Kolko, D. J., Hoagwood, K., & Springgate, B. (2010). Treatment Research for Children and YouthExposed to Traumatic Events: Moving Beyond Efficacy to Amp Up Public Health Impact. GeneralHospital Psychiatry, 32, 465-476.