Sarah L Pedersen, PhD
Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Psychology and Clinical and Translational Science
Contact Details
3811 O'Hara St.
Education & Training
Clinical Psychology, University of Missouri, College of Arts and Sciences
Clinical Psychology, University of Missouri, College of Arts and Sciences
Clinical Psychology, Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic of UPMC
Alcohol Research, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Professional Affiliations
Member and Chair, Education Committee, Research Society on Alcoholism
Research Interests
Health inequities in alcohol & substance use; Alcohol response and impulsivity; ADHD
Selected Research Publications & Products- Pedersen SL, Kennedy TM, Joseph HM, Riston SJ, Kipp HL & Molina BSG. (2020). Real-world changes in adolescents ADHD symptoms within the day and across school and non-school days. Journal of AbnormalChild Psychology, 48(12), 15431553.
- Pedersen SL, King KM, Louie KA, Fournier JC & Molina BSG. (2019). Momentary fluctuations in impulsivitydomains: Associations with a history of childhood ADHD, heavy alcohol use, and alcohol problems. Drugand Alcohol Dependence. Dec 01; 205: PubMed PMID: 31704385
- Pedersen SL, Walther CAP, Pelham WE & Molina BSG. (2016). The indirect effects of childhood ADHD on alcohol problems in adulthood through unique facets of impulsivity. Addiction, 111, 1582-1589.
- Pedersen SL & McCarthy DM. (2013). Differences in response to alcohol between African Americans and European Americans. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 37, 1056-1063.
- Pedersen SL, Molina BSG, Belendiuk KA & Donovan JE. (2012). Racial differences in the development of impulsivity and sensation seeking from childhood into adolescence and their relation to alcohol use. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 36, 1794-1802.
Clinical Interests
Addiction; Health inequities; Impulsivity and emotion regulation
Education Interests
Research mentorship; Clinical psychology intern education & training; Medical student & resident education
Selected Education Publications & Products- Pedersen SL & Sayette MA. (2020). Education and training in substance use disorders: A roadmap to moveforward. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 14;1: 47.