The 2024 Society of Biological Psychiatry Annual Meeting in Austin, TX

The 2024 Society of Biological Psychiatry (SOBP) Annual Meeting was held in Austin, TX. Pitt Psychiatry faculty and trainees gathered for a program that explored whether the translational medicine approach is living up to its promise in psychiatry. The conference additionally presented the opportunity to network and meet up with Pitt Psychiatry friends and alums!
Gold Medal Award
Mary Phillips, MD, MD (Cantab) (Distinguished Professor of Psychiatry, Clinical and Translational Science, and Bioengineering, and Pittsburgh Foundation-Emmerling Endowed Chair in Psychotic Disorders), received the 2024 SOBP Gold Award. The Gold Award honors pioneering contributions to the field, as well as significant and sustained work that advances and extends knowledge in biological psychiatry. Dr. Phillips is an international leader in affective neuroscience, specifically in the identification of neural correlates that underlie the symptoms of specific abnormalities in emotion processing in people with mood disorders.
Travel Awards
The following Pitt Psychiatry faculty members and trainees received SOBP Annual Meeting Travel Awards:
Shinnyi (Cindy) Chou, MD, PhD (Postdoctoral scholar)
Andrew Gerlach, PhD (Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Bioengineering)
Britny Hildebrandt, PhD (Assistant Professor of Psychiatry)
Kyle Ketchesin, PhD (Assistant Professor of Psychiatry)
Ahmad Mayeli, PhD (Research Assistant Professor of Psychiatry)
Kalyan Tripathy, MD, PhD (PGY1 Psychiatry Resident)
Aliona Tsypes, PhD (Assistant Professor of Psychiatry)
JEDI Fireside Chat
Sarah Pedersen, PhD (Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Psychology) served as a panelist on a JEDI (Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion) Committee Fireside Chat focused on developing a research plan for enhancing diverse perspectives.
Plenary Address
David Lewis, MD (Chair, Department of Psychiatry) presented a plenary address entitled “Translational Strategies for Understanding Neural Circuitry Dysfunction in Schizophrenia.”
Congratulations to all!