Rasim S Diler, MDProfessor of PsychiatryContact Details3811 O'Hara St.Pittsburgh PA 15213 Email dilerrs@upmc.edu WebsiteChild and Adolescent Bipolar Spectrum Services
Kimberly A Blair, PhDAssociate Professor of PsychiatryContact Details3811 O'Hara St.Pittsburgh PA 15213 Email blairka@upmc.edu WebsiteMatilda Theiss Center for Trauma and Early Childhood Behavioral Health
Dana L Rofey, PhDAssociate Professor of Psychiatry, Clinical and Translational Science, Pediatrics, and PsychologyContact Details3811 O'Hara St.Pittsburgh PA 15213 Email rofeydl@upmc.edu
Adriane M Soehner, PhDAssociate Professor of PsychiatryContact Details3811 O'Hara St.Pittsburgh PA 15213 Email soehneram2@upmc.edu WebsiteSleep and Affective Neuroscience LabUniversity of Pittsburgh Sleep Medicine Institute AssistantAllison Caswellcaswella@upmc.edu
David A Brent, MDEndowed Chair in Suicide Studies and Distinguished Professor of Psychiatry, Clinical and Translational Science, Epidemiology, and PediatricsContact Details3811 O'Hara StreetPittsburgh PA 15213 Phone 412-246-5596 Email brentda@upmc.edu WebsiteStar CenterIMPACT AssistantAlycia Fordfordal3@upmc.edu
Abigail B Schlesinger, MDAssociate Professor of Psychiatry and PediatricsContact Details3811 O'Hara St.Pittsburgh PA 15213 Email schlesingerab@upmc.edu AssistantMelissa McCaslinmccaslinmd@upmc.edu