This program draws upon the resources of program mentors that are matched in a variety of departments across the University of Pittsburgh, along with the Alzheimer's Disease Research Center, to enhance access to basic biological and neuroscience laboratories. Program mentors specialize in late-life mood and anxiety disorders, neurocognitive disorders, and other diseases of aging.
Fundamental training components include structured rotations, writing blocks, mentored apprenticeships, coursework, development of core skills and knowledge through participation in the Career and Research Development Seminar (CARDS) series, exposure to a broad range of interdisciplinary research, and development of mentoring experience through role modeling to medical and undergraduate students.

Program length
Postdoctoral training:
Trainees are appointed for two years and are encouraged to work alongside program mentors to submit K awards or other extramural funding during their appointment.
Individuals with sufficient progress may be eligible to renew for a third year upon approval of program directors, if needed, in order to successfully obtain extramural funding.
Predoctoral training:
Two-month and one-year appointments are available.
Who should apply?
Postdoctoral training:
Psychiatrists and individuals with PhDs in the neuro- and behavioral sciences may apply. Clinical psychologists, geropsychologists, and neuropsychologists eligible for admission to the program will have completed their doctoral training, including final award of the PhD and completion of the clinical internship. Individuals with PhDs in nursing, social work, rehabilitation science, neuroscience, and pharmacy with appropriate qualifications and interests also are eligible to apply.
Predoctoral training:
Medical students with intent to pursue a career in geriatric mental health can apply.
How many spots are available?
The following are available each year:
- Four postdoctoral stipends.
- Two two-month stipends for medical students.
- One year-long stipend for a medical student interested in taking a research year.
How do I apply?
Please contact the Program Administrator: Akiko Mizuno, PhD