Fabio Ferrarelli, MD, PhDAssociate Professor of PsychiatryContact Details3811 O'Hara St.Pittsburgh PA 15213 Email ferrarellif@upmc.edu WebsitePyNeL
Rebecca B Price, PhDAssociate Professor of Psychiatry, Clinical and Translational Science, and PsychologyContact Details3811 O'Hara St.Pittsburgh PA 15213 Email pricerb@upmc.edu WebsiteClinical Application of Neuroscience (CAN) Lab
Timothey C Denko, MDAssistant Professor of PsychiatryContact Details3811 O'Hara St.Pittsburgh PA 15213 Email denkotc@upmc.edu
Carmen Andreescu, MDProfessor of PsychiatryContact Details3811 O'Hara St.Pittsburgh PA 15213 Email andreescuc@upmc.edu WebsiteARGO Neuroscience of Aging Research Laboratory AssistantSally Lagattutalagattutase@upmc.edu