Subscribe to Our New Podcast: Psychiatry Advances from UPMC Western Psychiatric Hospital

We are thrilled to announce the launch of a new podcast, Psychiatry Advances, from UPMC Western Psychiatric Hospital (WPH). WPH is a national leader in the innovative treatment of mental health and addictive disorders.
Psychiatry Advances presents original research and patient-centered programs at the cutting edge of psychiatry and the behavioral sciences.
Host Loren Roth, MD, MPH, Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry, engages expert researchers and clinicians from WPH and the Department of Psychiatry in stimulating conversations on a wide range of topics pertaining to the field.
“Through the application of significant new research and clinical program design, psychiatry is rapidly advancing at the UPMC Western Psychiatric Hospital and its University of Pittsburgh Department of Psychiatry,” said Dr. Roth. “The hospital and academic department are acknowledged national leaders in innovation. Psychiatry Advances shares this exciting information in brief, informative, conversational formats for psychiatrists, other mental health professionals and the general public. For me, as the podcast host, this is always fun and efficient learning.”
Psychiatry Advances launched earlier this month with episodes addressing ADHD, late-life depression and medical marijuana:
ADHD: Diagnosis, Treatment Course, and Adult Presentations
In this podcast, our ADHD expert, Brooke S. G. Molina, PhD, presents information on life-time course prediction, drug misuse, primary care-based strategies for management of ADHD.
Depression in Late Life, and Risk for Dementia
Jordan Karp, MD, presents the features of geriatric depression and how it can be treated. In particular, he discusses approaches to treatment-resistant depression, as well as ongoing research related to depression and dementia.
Medical Marijuana
Medical marijuana is now approved for distribution in Pennsylvania, but it is absent of controlled clinical trials. In this episode, Antoine Douaihy, MD, explores controversies about today’s recommendations and patient distribution of medical marijuana.
Subscribe to Psychiatry Advances on Apple or Android devices or stream it directly from
You can also find Psychiatry Advances in the Resources for Clinicians section of our website.