David Brent, MD, Receives American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 2021 Klingenstein Third Generation Foundation Award for Research in Depression or Suicide

We are delighted to announce that David Brent, MD (Distinguished Professor of Psychiatry, Pediatrics, Epidemiology, and Clinical and Translational Science and Endowed Chair in Suicide Studies), has received the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) 2021 Klingenstein Third Generation Foundation Award for Research in Depression or Suicide.
The award recognizes Dr. Brent’s 2020 article “Brief Behavioral Therapy for Pediatric Anxiety and Depression in Primary Care: A Follow-up” as the best research paper on depression or suicide published in the Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry in the last year. The paper reported on the outcome of the Brief Behavioral Therapy (BBT) for Pediatric Anxiety and Depression in Primary Care clinical trial. Findings from the study revealed BBT to be a promising intervention in the primary care setting, and that it may be particularly effective for Hispanic patients.
“Dr. Brent is an internationally recognized expert in the field of adolescent depression and suicide, and has made numerous important contributions to research in this area,” said David Lewis, MD (Chair, Department of Psychiatry). “I am thrilled to congratulate him on this extremely well-deserved recognition of his important work.”