SOBP President Elect
Congratulations to Mary Phillips, MD, MD (CANTAB) on her election as the President Elect by the Society of Biological Psychiatry (SOBP). The society is dedicated to encouraging the study of the biological causes of and treatments for psychiatric disorders, and to promoting excellence in scientific research and education.
Dr. Phillips is well suited to take on her new role. She is an internationally recognized expert in the fields of mood disorders research, affective neuroscience, and neuroimaging. She has also earned a well-deserved reputation internationally as an exceptional mentor to students, trainees and junior faculty in the United States and overseas in the areas of neuroimaging and affective disorders. Since becoming a member of the society in 1996, Dr. Phillips has been actively engaged in SOBP activities, serving as a Council member (since 2014), chair of the Women?s Task Force (since 2015), ex-officio member of the Psychiatry Education Committee (since 2015), and as a member of the SOBP program committee (2011-2014). She is also a member of the editorial board of both of the society?s journals, Biological Psychiatry and Biological Psychiatry: CNNI.
Dr. Phillips's research has been continuously funded by the National Institutes of Mental Health, other government agencies, and private foundations for over twenty years. Her impressive publication portfolio includes 250 peer-reviewed publications, and she has presented at scientific meetings and conferences around the globe. Dr. Phillips is the recipient of numerous honors and awards in recognition of her scientific contributions including the Joel Elkes Research Award from the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology (2014) and multiple awards from the Brain and Behavior Research Foundation. More information regarding Dr. Phillips and her research can be found on the Mood and Brain Lab website.