AED Award
Academy for Eating Disorders Presents Department Faculty
With 2013 Outstanding Scientific Contribution Award

Jennifer Wildes, Ph.D.

Marsha Marcus, Ph.D.
The Academy for Eating Disorders has recognized a member of the Department of Psychiatry faculty, Jennifer Wildes, PhD with the organization's 2013 award for Outstanding Scientific Contribution. The award was presented to Dr. Wildes and her co-author Dr. Marsha Marcus in recognition of their review article "Incorporating Dimensions into the Classification of Eating Disorders: Three Models and Their Implications for Research and Clinical Practice" that appeared in the International Journal of Eating Disorders.
Dr. Wildes, an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Psychology at the University of Pittsburgh, came to Pittsburgh in 2003 when she was selected for the Psychology Internship Program at Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic of UPMC (WPIC). Subsequently, she completed her postdoctoral fellowship in the Department of Psychiatry and was appointed to the Department faculty in 2007. In collaboration with Dr. Marcus and others, she has been Principal- or Co-Investigator on several NIMH-supported projects focusing on improving the diagnosis and treatment of eating disorders.
Dr. Marcus is Professor of Psychiatry and Psychology at the University of Pittsburgh and Chief of the Eating Disorders Program at Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic of UPMC. She is a nationally known expert on the assessment and treatment of pediatric and adult obesity and eating disorders.
The Academy will present the award to Dr. Wildes at an awards ceremony at the International Conference on Eating Disorders later this month in New York City.