The EpiBrain Journal Club kicks off the new year with its first meeting on Monday, January 28th. Join your colleagues for a discussion of the following article:
Assessment of Racial Disparities in Biomarkers for Alzheimer Disease. Morris JC, Schindler SE, McCue LM, Moulder KL, Benzinger TLS, Cruchaga C, Fagan AM, Grant E2, Gordon BA, Holtzman DM, Xiong C. JAMA Neurol. 2019 Jan 7. doi: 10.1001/jamaneurol.2018.4249. [Epub ahead of print]
and the accompanying editorial.
Journal club meetings are open to anyone with an interest in this topic, regardless of discipline or expertise, and we hope to stimulate multidisciplinary discussion and collaboration.
Location. Graduate School of Public Health, Room A521
For More Information. Please contact Beth Shaaban, PhD, MPH, Postdoctoral Associate, at or Andrea Rosso, PhD, MPH, Assistant Professor, Epidemiology & Clinical Translational Science Institute at
We look forward to seeing you there!