Eric Thut and Meghan Wander of the Office of Residency Training Receive a UPMC Graduate Medical Education Outstanding Team of the Year Award

Congratulations to Eric Thut (Residency Program Coordinator), and Meghan Wander (Academic Manager), of the UPMC Western Psychiatric Hospital (WPH) Office of Residency Training, on their receipt of the 2023 UPMC Medical Education Outstanding Team of the Year! The award honors the hard work and dedication of a GME team that has gone above and beyond to support each other, their trainees, and their program, and was presented at the 17th Annual UPMC Medical Education Coordinators Symposium: Inspired to Lead.

“Meghan and Eric truly hit the ground running,” said Michael Travis, MD (Professor of Psychiatry and Senior Director for Postgraduate Physician Training). “Eric has now been with us a year, and Meghan for nine months. They have worked seamlessly together to get up to speed with all of the day-to-day tasks of Graduate Medical Education, and have already begun innovating. It is little wonder that the UPMC GME office and team recognized their hard work with an award. The first, I am sure, of many!”
Congratulations to Meghan and Eric!