Pitt Psychiatry Faculty Members Host Conference on Women’s Mental Health

Jody Glance, MD (Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Clinical Chief, Addiction Medicine Services) and Eydie Moses-Kolko, MD (Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Senior Advisor, Outpatient Perinatal Mental Health) recently hosted a National Curriculum in Reproductive Psychiatry (NCRP) Advanced: Intensive Care-based Practicum conference.
The NCRP Advanced conference provided a diverse group of psychiatrists, OB/Gyn physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and midwives an in-depth look at the NCRP. The Curriculum enables clinicians to gain expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of psychiatric disorders throughout the reproductive lifespan.
In addition to Dr. Glance and Dr. Moses-Kolko, course instructors included Robin Valpey, MD (Assistant Professor of Psychiatry), and colleagues from UPMC Magee-Womens Hospital, the Johns Hopkins Center for Women's Reproductive Mental Health, Weill Cornell Medicine, the University of North Carolina Center for Women’s Mood Disorders, the Colorado Center for Women's Behavioral Health, the University of Toronto, and the University of Maryland.
“Our department is fortunate to have so many faculty members interested in reproductive mental health. Many have contributed content to the National Curriculum on Reproductive Psychiatry, and have authored chapters in the new Textbook of Women’s Reproductive Mental Health,” said Dr. Glance. “We were privileged to host the first NCRP-Advanced: Intensive Case-based Practicum, with experts and attendees from across the US and Canada joining together to discuss evidence-based practices in reproductive mental health across the lifespan.”