Psychiatry Residency Match Results Announced for 2018
The Department is pleased to announce results of the 2018 Residency Match for the General Psychiatry, Child, Triple Board, and Family Medicine/Psychiatry tracks. The new class of PGY1 residents was announced and celebrated at the Resident and Fellow Spring Gathering held March 16. We thank everyone who contributed during the recruitment season.
General Psychiatry
- Patrick Buckley - University of Virginia School of Medicine
- Daniel Chung - University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
- Chelsey Coulter - Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
- Julia Farquhar - Duke University School of Medicine
- Stephen Folmsbee - Northwestern University, The Feinberg School of Medicine
- Matthew Geramita - University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
- Shriya Kaneriya - University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
- Sarah Lim - University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
- Rafael Tamargo - Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
General and Child Track
- Lauren Andrews - Northwestern University, The Feinberg School of Medicine
- Blake Gibson - University of Arizona College of Medicine Tucson
- Jose Mantilla Rivas - Universidad De Los Andes (Colombia)
- Camille Tastenhoye - Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland
Family Medicine/Psychiatry
- McKeesport - Esha Khurana - University of Pennsylvania, Perelman School of Medicine
- St. Margaret’s – Jennifer Lequieu - Rush Medical College, Rush University Medical Center
Triple Board
- Jacob Brent - University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
- Naomi Gorfinkle - Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine