Leonardo D'Aiuto, PhD
Assistant Professor of Psychiatry
Contact Details
3811 O'Hara St.
Email daiutol@upmc.edu
Beth Wesesky
Education & Training
Molecular Genetics and Evolution, University of Bari, Italy
Epigenetics and Stem Cell Biology, University of Pittsburgh
Human Genetics, University of Edinburgh
Research Interests
Modeling of CNS infections using induced pluripote; Modeling schizophrenia using induced pluripotents; Development of three-dimensional neuronal platform
Selected Research Publications & Products- Zheng W, Klammer AM, Naciri JN, Yeung J, Demers MJ, Milosevic J, Kinchington PR, Bloom DB, Nimgaonkar VL, DAiuto L. (2020). Patterns of Herpes Simplex Virus 1 Infection in Neural Progenitor Cells. Journal of Virology, 30 Jul;94(16):e00994-20. PMID: 32493817 PMCID: PMC7394888.
- D'Aiuto L, Williamson K, Dimitrion P, McNulty J, Brown CE, Dokuburra CB, Nielsen AJ, Lin WJ, Piazza P, Schurdak ME, Wood J, Yolken RH, Kinchington PR, Bloom DC, Nimgaonkar VL. Comparison of three cell-based drug screening platforms for HSV-1 infection. Antiviral Res. 2017 Jun;142:136-140.
- McClain L, Zhi Y, Cheng H, Ghosh A, Piazza P, Yee MB, Kumar S, Milosevic J, Bloom DC, Arav-Boger R, Kinchington PR, Yolken R, Nimgaonkar V, D'Aiuto L. Broad-spectrum non-nucleoside inhibitors of human herpesviruses Antiviral Res. 2015 Sep;121:16-23.
- D'Aiuto L, Prasad KM, Upton CH, Viggiano L, Milosevic J, Raimondi G, McClain L, Chowdari K, Tischfield J, Sheldon M, Moore JC, Yolken RH, Kinchington PR, Nimgaonkar VL. Persistent infection by HSV-1 is associated with changes in functional architecture of iPSC-derived neurons and brain activation patterns underlying working memory performance. Schizophr Bull. 2015 Jan;41(1):123-32.
- D'Aiuto L, Di Maio R, Heath B, Raimondi G, Milosevic J, Watson AM, Bamne M, Parks WT, Yang L, Lin B, Miki T, Mich-Basso JD, Arav-Boger R, Sibille E, Sabunciyan S, Yolken R, Nimgaonkar V. Human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived models to investigate human cytomegalovirus infection in neural cells. PLoS One. 2012;7(11):e49700.
Education Interests
Teaching stem cell-based technologies; Molecular genetics training; Mentorship of early-career researchers