University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Graduates Match at Highly Ranked Psychiatry Residency Programs Nationwide

The Department of Psychiatry is pleased to announce that nine University of Pittsburgh medical students have matched into highly ranked psychiatry programs nationwide:
Ololade Adebiyi (University of California San Francisco)
Dominique Bertolini (Emory University School of Medicine)
Gregory Gorraiz (University of Southern California)
Tinsley Grimes Webster (Case Western/University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center)
Christopher Hensler (University of Illinois College of Medicine)
Jad Hilal (Brigham and Women's Hospital)
Jared Kopelman (UC San Diego Medical Center)
Amelie Meltzer (University of California San Francisco)
Miriam Rosen (UPMC Western Psychiatric Hospital)
“We are very pleased with the number of Pitt Med students who have chosen psychiatry for their continued clinical training. They will make important contributions to reducing the many burdens associated with mental illness in the future,” said David Lewis, MD (Chair, Department of Psychiatry). “We are grateful to the outstanding efforts of our many teachers, who are led by the superb team of Gina Perez, MD, Jody Glance, MD, and Neeta Shenai, MD.”