Highlights from the 2021 Department of Psychiatry Clinician Educator Showcase

On March 25, 2021, Pitt Psychiatry clinician-educator faculty and UPMC Western Psychiatric Hospital (WPH) trainees and staff gathered virtually for the Department’s 9th Clinician Educator Showcase.
The Showcase is an annual opportunity for clinician-educators to learn about promising clinical innovations and the latest quality improvement initiatives. The event includes career development roundtable discussions, honors and recognitions, and an inspiring plenary address. Group learning opportunities enabled participants to gather in breakout sessions to explore topics such as developing leadership skills, using the broaching technique to navigate racial, ethnic, and cultural differences, and balancing paternalism and patient autonomy in clinical practice.
Thank you to our Showcase presenters:
Plenary Speaker
- Jeannette South-Paul, MD
The Making of a Clinician Educator: Center City Philly to Pittsburgh
Psych StoryCorps Discussants
- Kadiamada Chengappa, MD & Jessica Gannon, MD
Speed Dat(a)ing Presenters
- Brandon Hage, MD
Creating a Longitudinal OB Residency Curriculum in Mental Health - Nazeeha Micciche, MD
CPR: Championing Parent Resilience for Families with Congenital Heart Disease - Elizabeth Hovis, MD
Communicating Bias: The Use of Stigmatizing Language in the Electronic Medical Record - Cassandra Gibson, MD
Child and Adolescent Inpatient Unit Clinical Value Project
Congratulations to Showcase honorees:
Special Recognitions
Rolf Jacob, MD
Clinician EmeritusRussell Farr, MD
Clinician EmeritusJack Cahalane, PhD
Retiring UPP Clinical Faculty
Pitt School of Medicine Teaching Awards
- Antoine Douaihy, MD – Cohen Award for Excellence in Clinical Skills Instruction
- Kristen Eckstrand, MD, PhD & Morgan Faeder, MD, PhD – Outstanding Professional Enrichment Course
- Neeta Shenai, MD – Clinical Educator of the Year Award
- Dan Bender, DO – Clinical Preceptor of the Year Award
Office of Residency Training Special Recognition for Diversity, Equity, Inclusivity Efforts
- Piper Carroll, MD; Camille Tastenhoye, MD; & Allison Collier, MD – Racial Equity in Medicine curriculum
- Piper Carroll, MD & Daniel Salahuddin, MD, MPH – Coalition for Residents of Color (C-ROC)
- Paula Powe, MD & Vernon Nathaniel, MD – Underrepresented in Medicine (URiM) Recruitment
Office of Residency Training Special Recognition for Patient Safety & Quality Teaching Efforts
- Priyanka Amin, MD & Luke Swider, MD
- Patrick Buckley, MD
Office of Residency Training Special Recognition for Physician Wellness/Resident Processing Groups
- Robin Valpey, MD
Poster Presenters
- Lauren Andrews, MD
Considerations for Diversion of Pediatric Patients with Mental Health Crises - Patrick Buckley, MD
Integrating Payer and Provider Data to Identify Factors Associated with Outpatient Psychiatric Follow-Up After Inpatient Psychiatric Consults - Allison Collier, MD
Characterization of Psychiatric Consultations for Adolescents in the Adult Hospital Setting - Blake Gibson, MD
Placental Inflammation and its Association with Childhood Psychiatric Disease - Cassandra Gibson, MD
“Are We There Yet?” Do Psychiatric Boarding Times at a Pediatric Hospital Justify Development of Targeted Clinical Programming? - Jacquelin Esque, MD & Amy Rasmussen, MD
First Episode Psychosis and the Role of the Consultation-Liaison Psychiatrist - Katherine Fu, MD
An Intensive Outpatient Program Designed for College Students is Effective in Lowering depression, Suicidal Ideation, and Anxiety Symptoms - Elizabeth Hale, MD
Palliative Care Psychiatry: Integrative Models for Integrated Care - Mark Nakhla, MD
Patients Experiencing Homelessness in the Inpatient Psychiatric Setting - Rafael Tamargo, MD
Changing Practices for Psychiatric Assessment and Post-Discharge Follow Up among Post-Cardiac Arrest Patients - Camille Tastenhoye, MD
Beyond Postpartum Depression: Managing Psychiatrically Complex Patients with Obstetric Needs Using an Integrated Interdisciplinary Approach