Kimberly A Blair, PhD
Associate Professor of Psychiatry
Contact Details
3811 O'Hara St.
Education & Training
Applied Developmental Psychology, George Mason University
Current Appointments
Program Director, Outpatient Program, Theiss Child & Adolescent Trauma Services
Program Director & Principle Investigator, Theiss Center for Child & Adolescent Trauma
Principal Investigator, Pittsburgh Early Attachments & Relationships Project
Selected Honors & Awards
Community Champions Award, Hospital and Healthsystem Association of Pennsylvania
Research Interests
Trauma in young children
Selected Research Publications & Products- Blair, K, Denham, S, Kochanoff, A, Whipple, B. Playing it cool: Temperament, emotion regulation, and social behavior in preschoolers. J School Psychol 2004; 42: 419-443.
- Denham, S, Blair, K, DeMulder, E, Levitas, J, Sawyer, K, Auerbach-Major, S, Queenan, P. Preschool emotional competence: Pathway to social competence? Child Dev 2003; 74: 238-256.
- Denham, S, Caverly, S, Schmidt, M, Blair, K, DeMulder, E, Caal, S, Hamada, H, & Mason, T. Preschool Boys and Girls Understanding of Emotions: Contributions to Classroom Anger and Aggression. J Child Psychol Psyc 2002; 43: 901-916
- Denham, S, Blair, K, Schmidt, M, DeMulder, E. Compromised emotional competence: Seeds of violence sown early? Am J Orthopsychiat 2002; 72: 70-82.
- Sawyer, K, Denham, S, DeMulder, E, Blair, K, Auerbach-Major, S, Mitchell, J. The contribution of older siblings reactions to emotions to preschoolers emotional and social competence. Marriage Fam Rev 2002; 34: 183-212.
Clinical Interests
Assessment & diagnosis of young children; Evidence-based trauma treatment
Education Interests
Selected Education Publications & Products- Blair, KA. How can professionals forecast and plan for early school success? In: Bagnato, SJ, Neisworth, J, editors. Assessment for early intervention: Best practices for professionals, 2nd edition. New York: Guilford; 2007.
- Blair, KA, Kachmar, SP. Physical, Cognitive, and Socio-emotional Lifespan Development. In: Gregoire, J, Junger, C, editors. Counselor's Companion: Handbook for Professional Helpers. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. 2006.
- Kachmar, SP, Blair, KA. Counseling across the lifespan. In: Gregoire, J, Junger, C, editors. Counselor's Companion: Handbook for Professional Helpers. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum; 2006.