
10-01-12: Hot Publications

Hot Publications from Department Faculty

Bateman RJ, Xiong C, Benzinger TLS, Fagan AM, Goate A, Fox NC, Marcus DS, Cairns NJ, Xie X, Blazey TM, Holtzman DM, Santacruz A, Buckles V, Oliver A, Moulder K, Aisen PS, Ghetti B, Klunk WE, McDade E, Martins RN, Masters CL, Mayeux R, Ringman JM, Rossor MN, Schofield PR, Sperling RA, Salloway S and Morris JC for the Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network.  Clinical and biomarker changes in dominantly inherited Alzheimer's disease. New England Journal of Medicine 367:795-804, 2012.

Bertocci MA, Bebko GM, Mullin BC, Langenecker SA, Ladouceur CD, Almeida JRC and Phillips ML.  Abnormal anterior cingulate cortical activity during emotional n-back task performance distinguishes bipolar from unipolar depressed females. Psychological Medicine 42:1417?1428, 2012.

Dinstein I, Heeger DJ, Lorenzi L, Minshew NJ, Malach R and Behrmann M. Unreliable evoked responses in autism.  Neuron 75:981-991, 2012.

Dombrovski AY, Siegle GJ, Szanto K, Clark L, Reynolds CF and Aizenstein H. The temptation of suicide: Striatal gray matter, discounting of delayed rewards, and suicide attempts in late-life depression. Psychological Medicine 42:1203?1215, 2012.

Gonzalez-Burgos G and Lewis DA. NMDA receptor hypofunction, parvalbumin-positive neurons, and cortical gamma oscillations in schizophrenia.  Schizophrenia Bulletin 38:950-957, 2012.

Keener MT, Fournier JC, Mullin BC, Kronhaus D, Perlman SB, LaBarbara E, Almeida JC and Phillips ML.  Dissociable patterns of medial prefrontal and amygdala activity to face identity versus emotion in bipolar disorder. Psychological Medicine 42:1913?1924, 2012.

King WC, Chen J-Y, Mitchell JE, Kalarchian MA, Steffen KJ, Engel SG, Courcoulas AP, Pories WJ and Yanovski SZ. Prevalence of alcohol use disorders before and after bariatric surgery. Journal of the American Medical Association 307:2516-2525, 2012.

McCrimmon RJ, Ryan CM and Frier BM. Diabetes and cognitive dysfunction. The Lancet 379:2291-2299, 2012.

Owen G O'Daly OG, Trick L, Scaife J, Marshall J, Ball D, Phillips ML, Williams SC, Stephens DN and Duka T.  Withdrawal-associated increases and decreases in functional neural connectivity associated with altered emotional regulation in alcoholism. Neuropsychopharmacology 37:2267?2276, 2012.

Siegle GJ, Thompson WK, Collier A, Berman SR, Feldmiller J, Thase ME and Friedman ES. Toward clinically useful neuroimaging in depression treatment:  Prognostic utility of subgenual cingulate activity for determining depression outcome in cognitive therapy across studies, scanners, and patient characteristics. Archives of General Psychiatry 69:913-924, 2012.

Sweet RA, Seltman H, Emanuel JE, Lopez OL, Becker JT, Bis JC, Weamer EA, DeMichele-Sweet MA, Kuller LH.  Effect of Alzheimer?s disease risk genes on trajectories of cognitive function in the cardiovascular health study. American Journal of Psychiatry 169:954-962, 2012.

Torregrossa MM, Xie M and Taylor JR. Chronic Corticosterone exposure during adolescence reduces impulsive action but increases impulsive choice and sensitivity to yohimbine in male Sprague-Dawley rats. Neuropsychopharmacology 37:1656?1670, 2012.

Vitiello B, Riddle MA, Yenokyan G, Axelson DA, Wagner KD, Joshi P, Walkup JT, Luby J, Birmaher B, Ryan ND, Emslie G, Robb A and Tillman R.  Treatment moderators and predictors of outcome in the treatment of early age mania (team) study. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 51:867-878, 2012.

Zhang Y, Baik SH, Zhou L, Reynolds CF and Lave JR.  Effects of Medicare Part D coverage gap on medication and medical treatment among elderly beneficiaries with depression.  Archives of General Psychiatry 69:672-679, 2012.