Michael Travis, MD

Pitt Appoints Michael Travis, MD to Academy of Master Educators
The University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine has appointed Michael J. Travis, MD, to a five-year term to the Academy of Master Educators (AME). The appointment recognizes Dr. Travis's sustained record of excellence and achievements in medical education.
Dr. Travis is an Associate Professor of Psychiatry and serves as the Director of Residency Training at Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic. He trained in medicine at Guy's Hospital and in psychiatry at St. Bartholomew's and Hackney Hospitals, and The Royal Bethlem and Maudsley Hospitals in London in the UK. Prior to joining the Department faculty, he held academic and clinical positions at Bethlem and Maudsley Hospitals, and at the Institute of Psychiatry in London. Dr. Travis has been involved in educational and research activities throughout his career and has a diverse set of research interests. In addition to educational research, he has collaborated on studies exploring drug action and neural systems using functional and neurochemical imaging. He is also the co-author of an article appearing in Academic Psychiatry that highlighted our Department's Academic Administrator Clinician Educator Track. Dr. Travis has presented posters and workshops at the annual American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training (AADPRT) meeting, and also serves as a member of the AADPRT's Clinical Neuroscience Training Taskforce and is the Chair of the Ginsberg Committee.