Predicting Age Using Neuroimaging: Innovative Brain Ageing Biomarkers


Predicting Age Using Neuroimaging: Innovative Brain Ageing Biomarkers

Raj Kumar University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine

Please join us for the next eBrain Journal Club meeting. We will be discussing the following article:

Raj Kumar will lead a discussion about the following paper:

Predicting Age Using Neuroimaging: Innovative Brain Ageing Biomarkers
James H.Cole and KatjaFranke
Trends in Neurosciences, Volume 40, Issue 12, December 2017, Pages 681-690

For a more detailed explanation of the methodology, see the following article:

Predicting brain age with deep learning from raw imaging data results in a reliable and heritable biomarker
James H. Cole, Rudra P.K. Poudel, Dimosthenis Tsagkrasoulis, Matthan W.A.C, Claire Steves, Tim D. Spector, Giovanni Montana
NeuroImage, Volume 163, December 2017, Pages 115-124

Location:  5140 Parran Hall

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