Harnessing Collective Wisdom: Building Strong Community-Research Collaborations


Harnessing Collective Wisdom: Building Strong Community-Research Collaborations

Darren Whitfield, PhD, MSW Associate Professor of Social Work, University of Maryland

The REACH Health Equity Seminar kicks off the new year with a presentation on “Harnessing Collective Wisdom: Building Strong Community-Research Collaborations”  by Darren Whitfield, PhD, MSW.

Dr. Darren WhitfieldDr. Whitfield is an associate professor at the University of Maryland School of Social Work. His research interests include health and mental health disparities among lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) communities, biomedical HIV prevention among gay and bisexual men of color in the United States, and intersectional measurement development. His research is grounded in an intersectional framework, where he specifically examines the impact of intersectional identity on psychosocial, sociocultural, and structural factors associated with health and mental health outcomes of LGBTQ communities of color and biomedical HIV prevention among Black and Latino gay and bisexual men. Dr. Whitfield currently holds research funding from the National Institutes of Health and the Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration.

We will also discuss a journal article titled “Advancing health equity through a theoretically critical implementation science” by Snell-Rood et al (2021).

Zoom link: https://pitt.zoom.us/j/95864087426
Meeting ID: 958 6408 7426
Passcode: REACH

REACH invites investigators and research staff of all career stages and health equity research experience to participate in our ongoing monthly seminar. The first half of each seminar will be spent discussing 1. newly published or seminal articles related to determinants of health inequities or 2. Important topics such as “ways to reduce bias in your scientific method” and “how can we change systems through our research.” The second half of each seminar will showcase research being conducted within our department to grow collaborations, generate innovative ideas, and provide constructive feedback to support the professional growth of the presenter.

For more information about the REACH Health Equity Seminar Series, please contact Dr. Mary Woody at woodyml@upmc.edu.