AF-CBT Pittsburgh 2018 Fall Training
Attend the Fall 2018 Alternatives for Families - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (AF-CBT) Training and learn more about how this trauma-informed, evidence-based intervention, can improve the relationship between children and their caregivers by addressing individual and family problems relating to frequent family conflicts, behavior problems (including physical aggression), anger and verbal aggression, and other issues.

Sign Up Today for the Fall 2018 AF-CBT Training. Download the Fall 2018 AF-CBT flyer for details.
Location. University Club, 123 University Place, Pittsburgh, PA 15260
Who Should Attend. AF-CBT training requires a MS/MA degree or higher. Alternatives for Professionals (AFP), based on AF-CBT (Alternatives for Families: a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy), is designed to cover key skill components that can be taught by a range of professionals who do not provide direct counseling services to families, such as case workers, case managers, foster care workers, wrap-around providers, home visitors, and other professionals. AFP introduces and reinforces skills for engaging with families involved with the mental health, juvenile justice, or child welfare system.
About the Trainer. Training will be presented by Barbara Baumann, PhD. Dr. Baumann is a University of Pittsburgh faculty member and experienced AF-CBT trainer, with over 25 completed trainings.
For More Information. Please contact Kevin Rumbarger (Email:; Telephone: 412-586-9533)