
Carla Mazefsky, PhD

Autism Researcher Receives Slifka/Ritvo Award for Innovation

Carla Mazefsky, PhD, Research Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, has received the 2012 Slifka/Ritvo Award for Innovation in Autism Research from the Alan B. Slifka Foundation.   Dr. Mazefsky was presented with the award at the 2012 International Meeting for Autism Research in Toronto, Canada and will receive a one-year, $12,500 grant to support her research activities.  The goal of the Slifka/Ritvo Award is to promote innovative research in autism spectrum disorders (ASD) that will lead to new treatments and improvements in the quality of life for individuals with autism.  The Slifka Foundation selected Dr. Mazefsky for the award in recognition for her efforts to identify clinically meaningful profiles of emotion dysregulation in ASD, and to develop a novel and change-sensitive method of assessing problems with emotional control in ASD